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9월 21일 _피곤함을 이겨라_

English daiary writing Start again


오늘 부로 다시 영어 일기를 쓰기 시작해요

[ I srart again writing diary from today ]


매일 매일 일기를 쓰면서 많이 실력이 늘었다고 생각했는데

[i thought that i got a lot of skill up on my english  skill  ]


한가지만 꾸준히 하지 못한 내 성격 탓에  다시 먼길을 돌아 제자리로 왔네요

[but i can't make it completely cause my lazy and discontinuous character ]


지금은 취업 준비를 하고 있어요

[ now days i am looking for job as a job seeker ]


매일 매일 자소서를 다듬으면서 나를 팔만한 상품으로 포장해요

[ i wrap everyday myself as a considerable product ]


취업의 길은 힘들고 고되지만 나는 자신이 있어요

[ i believe word that the world is my oyster even if the way to get job is difficult ]


어디서 나오는 자신감인지는 알수 없지만

[ i don't know where is my source of this confident ]


나는 나를 믿고 그건 앞으로도 변함이 없을 것이니까요

[ i swear to me and the belief will never change . ]






latchkey kid : a child who spends part of the day alone and unsupervised , especially one who has a key to his or her home for entrance after school while the parents are at work.

both of my parents are working as my supporter . so i guess i was a one of latchkey kid. but i don't think that has a bad effect.

cause apparently i grow as a nice guy . and that situation raise my independence .